
A company by women for everyone,
our jewelry unlocked opportunities, inspired joyful confidence and celebrated the unique beauty in all of us.

from our CEO

Alexandra Mayr-Gracik


Hello Sabika Family. After 23 years of bringing beauty, joy and opportunity to communities all across the U.S. Karin, Konrad, Miriam and myself have made the very difficult and emotional decision to begin winding down our Sabika business over the next two months. I want to assure you that this decision was carefully considered and made with a heavy heart.

As CEO and Head Designer, I made it my personal mission to carry on the legacy of what my mom, Karin started. I am learning to adjust what my original vision of carrying on that legacy means and the hard lesson that everything in life has its season.

From that perspective, I am choosing gratitude. Gratitude to all of you for being a part of our collective success for over two decades. Each of you, whether you have loved Sabika for a month or over 20 years, has a very personal Sabika Story that I know YOU will carry with you wherever you go.

Part of what you’ve loved about Sabika is that we do things a bit differently. This last chapter will be no exception. We aren’t just closing the door and quietly walking away. Our founding principles of generosity and community are what will take us through these next several weeks together, to process this change and celebrate our legacy as a Sabika Family.

I want to thank you for allowing me to live my personal dream of designing pieces that bring you joy and wrap you in love AND I look forward to revealing my last new Sabika designs with you in the coming weeks. Through our Sabika Farewell Celebrations you will be able to continue to shop online and in person. It will be the biggest mix and match celebration you’ve seen yet!

In the most challenging of times, my mom, and our founder, started Sabika by not being afraid to ask for help. I’d like to honor her and that beginning by inviting you to support this farewell celebration and all that Sabika is…the promise of a smile, the beginning of a story and the end of going unnoticed.

from our FOUNDER

Karin Mayr


BEGINNINGS COME FROM ENDINGS. That was how the Sabika story, that carried us through the last 23 years, began. I was at the perceived end of the road. No clue what to do and how to survive. I was afraid, frustrated and confused – until I recognized that fear was my enemy – and that the “annoyance” to introduce crystal jewelry to the United States I had so proudly refused during my first encounter with Sabine, was in reality a tremendous opportunity in disguise.

Together we did wonderful things. We made a difference in countless lives. Together we supported causes from child abuse to breast cancer treatment, prevention and research in impactful ways.

Sabika has always been a reflection of my core values of respect, generosity, hospitality, loyalty and human dignity. The decision to close Sabika, while very carefully considered, has been difficult and emotional for myself, Alex, Miriam and Konrad.

I encourage you to reflect on all the positive aspects Sabika has brought to you over the years. I am honored and thank each one of you for your dedication that helped me realize our company’s mission, and for being a part of this beautiful chapter in my life. What we have accomplished together is simply amazing.

We were always different. I started Sabika by asking for help. Today I am asking the entire Sabika Family to participate in the Sabika Farewell Celebration. Help Sabika wind down on a strong note over the course of the next two months, and know that I will always be happy to keep our friendships in the future.

from our

Miriam Mayr


One of the greatest things I have learned in my time with Sabika, is that it has never been about the end destination, but about the journey and the road that is walked together. Sabika has always been the spark. The spark to personal development, community, friendships and life-changing experiences. It has certainly been life changing for me and the person I am today has been greatly shaped by this company.

I have also had the honor to watch my mother Karin and my sister Alex, as well as our incredible Stylists, each carry out their missions for a brighter, more joyful and more confident world.

One where women and men from all walks of life could find a common spark of joy. I am so proud of what we have accomplished together.

In 23 years we have:

  • Reached women and men in all 50 states
  • Provided an income to over 5300 Stylists and have paid out an incredible $44 million in commissions
  • Made over 300,000 customers feel more beautiful and confident
  • We have changed lives and communities with over $3.2 million raised for over 1500 charities nationwide

I look back with such pride and look forward to the next 2 months of celebration of you. We have a final chapter of this legacy to write together, and I am honored to write that with you.