Of sabika
TeLl us what
tell us what
sabika means to you
Share a moment when Sabika brought you joy, tell us about your first piece, let others know why you keep coming back for more, or anything else you want to share!


My first moment of Sabika Joy was when I was in my early twenties and had finally saved up enough money for the necklace that I wanted. I wore that necklace to my first “real” job interview, and it made me feel like I had truly made it and that I was finally an adult! That necklace is my good luck charm and I’ve been hired at several jobs since while wearing it!


Holding a Sabika Pink Party piece in support of Breast Cancer and seeing the shimmer from the stones gave me HOPE and JOY! They brought a smile to my face and as I wore the pieces, I noticed they gave others strength that they were not alone.  The Sabika sparkles reflected by the sun give light to those needing hope. Countless times I have noticed this and this alone gives me sheer delight and pleasure. I am grateful that I am able to spread this positive statement that the Sabika jewelry makes and will continue to do so as long as I am given the opportunity.


Sabika brought me joy from the first time I laid eyes on it at a friend’s Fundraiser Party in 2014. One of the first pieces I bought was the Palace Garden Sabika Manhattan® Choker and I still have it. I keep coming back for more Sabika because I love the design, the handmade craftsmanship and the ethical standards of the company. Sabika has high standards for quality and is committed to being generous and philanthropic. That’s a company I can stand behind.


After I bought my first piece 6 months ago I was completely addicted.  I LOVE all of my pieces and I’m growing quite the collection.  I can’t go without my Sabika Jewelry!

moments of joy
we want to here from you


I remember around 8 years ago I was on a trip and my Aunt came out for dinner. She had a Sabika choker on and I was speechless! I had never seen or heard of Sabika but I knew one thing, I HAD to have a necklace like that! I couldn’t take my eyes off it! Once I had my first piece I was hooked. I love the way it makes me feel special when I wear it. I love the compliments I receive! Now after all those years I do not go a day without wearing Sabika! It means joy and happiness to me and I can’t help having a smile on my face while wearing it ether!


Sabika is a beautiful way to empower women, boost confidence and bring an income to women that is meaningful!


It brings me joy to see Sabika light up my wife’s face! I enjoy seeing her connect with her friends and wearing her sparkles!


My Sabika moment is the first time I saw a collection book from my husband’s grandma; Labor Day 2014. It was love at first sight and I have never looked back. Best choice I ever made was becoming a Sabika Consultant! Thank you for the opportunity.

new styles, just released


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new styles, just released


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